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תמונות לאתר-03.jpg

Complex specifications

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Luxurious living room with decorative curtains,
Luxurious table and chairs and a huge Torah library

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A calm and quiet place near the Rashbi Zion,
With a pastoral view of the green Galilee mountains

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Abundant employment
Huge library of reading books for children, teens and adults, games and wet and dry trampolines
Extremely attractive!

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אולם ליד ציון הרשב"י

A huge 70 meter beautiful hall
Suitable for events near the Rashbi Zion
Holds up to 100 people, with tables and chairs
Partitions in place

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With swing benches
And seating areas

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High specification bedrooms,
Pampering bedding,
Electric shutters and excellent air conditioning

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Huge balcony 70 meters
With swings and garden furniture

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The place can accommodate three families at the same time,

Separate entrances from each floor

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Huge balcony 70 meters
With swings and garden furniture

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The place can accommodate three families at the same time,

Separate entrances from each floor

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